Research and design of cooling tower with double power sources
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T hr ough the ener g y sav ing analysis of the cooling tow ers and the research o f the surplus energ y of the cir culating cool2 ing w ater, a low specific speed mixed2flow turbine has been developed in t his paper . The instability o f the circulating coo ling w a2 ter in the co oling tower may cause the problems o f insufficient o r ex cessiv e output power fr om the tur bine. The electr ic mot or matching with the micr o2turbine w as selected as the standby power source, and co nnected with the micr o2turbine thr ough the automatic clutch device. M eanw hile, the bypass valve w as installed on the wat er pipe. I n or der to meet t he needs of cooling tow er fan and to achieve the purpose o f energ y saving , the electr ic mo tor and bypass v alv e w ere co ntro lled by the intellig ent contr oller to adjust the o per ation mo de of elect ric mot or and turbine.