Benefit evaluation on comprehensive management of small watershed in Taihang mountain
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Basis o n the survey data of 16 small w atersheds in the T aihang Mounta in, an evaluation index sy stem of soil and w ater co nser vatio n com pr ehensive management was develo ped. T he AH P method was used to ev aluate the manag ement benefits and TOPSIS met ho d w as used to ver ify the ev aluatio n r esults. The r esult s indicated that the compr ehensive manag ement benefit is ex cellent in 7 w atersheds, goo d in 8 w atersheds, and medium in 1 wat er shed amo ng a tot al of 16 w at ersheds. In additio n, the ar ea pr opor tion of land2use ty pe and its allo cat ion method hav e considerable impacts on the benefit ev aluatio n results, so the a rea pro2 por tio n of pro tect ion fo rest sho uld be increased, fencing pr otectio n measur es sho uld be techno lo gically improv ed, and t he method of fencing protection w ith affor estat ion is promo ted. The linear r eg r essio n R2 v alue betw een the AHP ev aluatio n scor es and TOPSIS evaluatio n sco res reached to 0. 9124.