Measurement and deviation control of concrete flow passage of pump station
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The flow channel of low lift pum p statio n has g reat impacts on the hydraulic perfo rmance o f the pum p. The pro tot ype pump ado pts the concr ete flow passag e, w hich is quite different from the steel f low passag e o f the mo del pump.We checked 20 cr oss sect ions of the inlet and outlet flow channel and 4 lo ng itudinal pr ofiles o f inlet flow channel w it h laser to tal statio n instru2 ment in the Pizhou pump station. The deviation of t he ty pe line in the actual co nstr uctio n was o btained after the act ual testing data w ere compared w ith the desig n requirements. On the basis, the impacts of co ncr ete f low passag e o n the hy dr aulic perform2 ance of pump wer e analyzed. I n consider atio n of the ir reg ularity cha racterist ics o f the ty pe line of the flow passag e in the proto2 ty pe pump, the co ncr ete co nstr uction qualit y of the Pizhou pump statio n w as summarized, and the sug gestions o f deviation con2 tr ol of flow passage w ere pro po sed, w hich can pro vide reference for the contr ol of concrete flow passage in the pump station.