Discussion of feasibility of standardization for the elbow inlet conduit in large and medium pumping station
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Elbow inlet conduit is w idely used in the vertica l pump system of the larg e and medium size pumping stations. H ow ev2 er , there ar e st ill some problems in the engineering practice of hy dr aulic desig n for the conduit. Contr ol sizes o f the elbow inlet co nduit of 14 new ly2built lar ge pumping stations in the first phase of easter n route o f South2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject wer e analyzed, and the basic rules o f the co ntr ol size r ang e wer e obtained. It is sugg ested to conduct the standar dizatio n desig n for the elbow inlet co nduit using the CFD method based on the t heo ry of o pt imal hy dr aulic design fo r the larg e pump system, and to apply the model test to v erif y the r esult s. Finally , accor ding t o an ex am ple o f the optimum hy dr aulic desig n fo r the elbow inlet conduit , the pr eliminary assumpt ion on the requir ements fo r the standardizatio n o f elbow inlet conduit was pro po sed.