Quantitative relationship between vegetation and groundwater depth in Mahai Oasis area
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Eco lo gical env ir onment is a lw ays frag ile in the ar id areas w ith spar se precipitatio n, and v egetation g row th has a clo se relat ionship w ith g ro undwater . In this paper , based on t he calculated no rmalized difference v egetation index ( NDVI ) from the Landsat ETM+ r emo te sensing dat a in Aug ust 2011 and the o bserv ed g roundw ater depth data, the quantitat ive relationship be2 tw een gr oundwater depth and veg etatio n g rowth on the larg e scale in the Mahai Oasia ar ea dow nstr eam o f the Yuqia River w as studied. The results show ed that the vegetat ion in the M ahai Oasia area gr ow s well w ith the g ro undw ater depth o f 3~ 4. 5 m and g row s best w ith the g ro undwater depth o f 3. 2 m, and the critica l gr oundw ater depth affect ing the v egetation g rowt h is 4. 5 m. By comparing the r esults o f Mahai Oasis, Ejina Oasis, and Yinchuan v eg etatio n r eg io n, we found that the relationship be2 tw een v egetation and g roundw ater depth has significant differ ences in differ ent regions.