Characteristics and influencing factors of nitrate pollution in shallow groundwater at Jilin section of Songhua River
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The objectiv e of this study was to demo nstr ate the spatial distributio n of NO32N concentr ation based on an o rdinary kr ig ing method and to determine the influencing facto rs o f nitrat e po llut ion in t he unconfined aquifer o f Jilin sect ion along the So ng hua River . The r esult s indicated that a spher ical model with a co nstant or der o f r emo val t rend is appro pr iate to evaluate the spatial distributio n o f nitrate concent ratio n in g ro undw ater , and the spatial cor relat ion o f NO32N co ncentration ex ists w ithin a range o f 5 478. 66 m; the area w here NO32N concentr ation in g roundw ater ex ceeds the class III w ater standa rd ( 20 mg / L) ac2 counts for 62. 07% of t otal area; and human activ ities hav e g reater impacts on the spat ial distributio n o f nitr ate co ncentration in gr oundwat er than the hydr ogeo lo gical condit ions. H ydro geo log ical co nditions include t he precipitation, soil and vadose zo ne me2 dium, g ro undwater depth, hydraulic relatio nship betw een So ng hua River and gr oundw ater in w et season, and autot rophic denitr i2 ficat ion w ith Mn2+ and Fe2+ as t he electro n donor s. Impacts from human activ ities include the ag ricultura l application of fertiliz2 er s and pesticides, domestic sewag e, industr ial wastew ater emissions, and leachat e f rom g arbag e and feces.