Evaluation of water resources carrying capacity of poyang lake area based on GRACE water quanti ty inversion and ecological service value
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In or der t o bet ter r ev eal the relatio nship betw een w ater r eso ur ces, eco nomy and population, utilize w ater r eso urces r a2 tionally, and promo te the sustainable dev elo pment of economy and society , w ater r eso ur ces carr ying capacity was r esear ched in2 depth. Based on the new theor ies o f w ater r eso urces carr ying capacity , w ater resour ces carr ying level and w ater resources car ry2 ing capacit y w er e calculated in 11 co unties and cit ies of Po yang Lake area using the metho ds o f GRACE water quantit y inversio n and ecolo gica l assessment , and the w ater resour ces carr ying co nditions o f Poy ang Lake area in 2010 w ere evaluat ed. T he r esults sug gested that the w ater r eso ur ces carr ying capacity in Po yang, Nanchang , and Jinx ian counties is hig her than that in Dean, Xingzi, and H ukou counties. The water resources carry ing level is the hig hest in the urban area of Jiujiang, followed by Nanchang, Xin2 jian and Jinxian counties, while it is low in Dean, Xingzi, and other counties. Considering the factors of economic level, education level, eco2service support function, and eco2service assimilation function, the unit level of w ater resources carr ying capacity is hig h in the urban area of Jiujiang, Nanchang, Xinzi, and Hukou counties. The assimilation function of eco system on the po llution from economic develop2 ment is bad in Xinjian county and urban area of Jiujiang, while it meets the standard in other 9 counties.