Research review on evolution of groundwater resources and environment under changing world
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With the g lobal change and ag g ravat ion o f human activities, g ro undwater r eso ur ces and env iro nment ev olve sig nificant2 ly. Gr oundw ater is the impo rtant component of water cycle, and also the primary w ater source in many ar eas, therefo re its evo lu2 tion plays an impor tant role in reg ional water security. In this paper, t he r esear ch pro gr ess o n the impacts of the env ir onmental changes on the g roundw ater resour ces and environment w as summarized and the shor tages of cur rent resea rch w ere analyzed. In additio n, this paper pr oposed that the comprehensiv e simulatio n based on the lar ge2scale wat er cycle mechanism is the directio n of futur e research.