Process optimization for visible light photocatalytic degradation of paracetamol using Cu2BiVO4 by response surface methodology
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Visible light induced deg radation of par acetamo l( PCT) using Cu2BiVO4 as photo cat aly st is an attractive and susta inable met ho d. In t his paper, to investig ate the PCT photo catalyt ic deg radation pro cess, respo nse surface methodolo g y w as ado pted to analysis the operation par ameters such as cata lyst dosag e, cataly st lo ading , and initial pH value. The o ptimum degr ading condi2 tions under visible light ir radiatio n w ithin 5 ho ur s w ere as follows: cata lyst dosage of 80 mg , 5% catalyst lo ading , init ial pH val2 ue w ith 6, respectiv ely . Addit ionaly , under this co ndition, the deg rading efficiency of PCT w as 72. 6%.