Research on ecological water requirement in Lijiang River Basin
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The scar city problem of wat er resources in the Lijiang River Basin has hinder ed the sustainable social and eco nomic de2 v elo pment in recent years, and r esear ch on the eco log ical w ater requir ement benefits the sustainable dev elopment of w ater re2 sour ces in this area. In this paper, the mo nt hly g uaranteed r ate met ho d w as used to calculate the eco lo gical w ater r equirement. However , precipit at ion in the Lijiang River Basin show s unevenly seasonal distributio n, and the annual and interannual r unoff values var y significantly. T her efor e, the mo nthly guaranteed rate method w as modified in this paper. The r esults showed that the eco log ical water requirement is abo ut 1. 845 billion cubic meters w hen the g uar anteed r ate is 50% and the w ater requirement level is / g oo d0 , and the minimum ecolog ical w ater r equirement is 5. 88 billio n cubic meter s. Finally, t he r esults w ere v erif ied u2 sing the T ennant met ho d and t he causes of er ro rs w ere analyzed.