Pollutant carrying capacity analysis of groundwater in the Western Suburbs of Beijing
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Based o n t he analy sis of hydro geo log ical co ndit ions and the characterist ics of w ater resources and env iro nment in the western suburbs of Beijing , a gr oundw ater flow and so lute tr anspor t mo del of the third w ater plant w as dev elo ped using MODF2 LOW and MT3DMS. Combined with SCE optimization algo rithm, the la rg est emissions of typical pollutants that reg ional gr oundwat er can accept wer e calculated. on t he basis of the ev aluatio n r esults o f gr oundw ater pollutio n, the r egional g roundw a2 ter envir onment pr otectio n measures wer e pro po sed, w hich can prov ide a scientific basis fo r the guidance and co nt rol o f pollutio n em issions and development of g roundw ater pro tection scheme.