Soi l pol lution characteristics of dumping site for municipal solid waste in Shijiazhuang
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There ar e three municipal so lid w aste dumping sites in Shijiazhuang . The to tal municipal solid waste output w as 1. 08 @ 106 t in 2005, and it was still increasing year ly . Six bo reholes wer e placed at Taitou so lid waste dumping site, and 65 so il sam2 ples w ere collected t o perform 10 pollutio n analysis test s. The results show ed that soil at the so lid waste dumping site has been subject to differ ent degr ees of pollution, and ammonia, nitr ite and nit rate, sulfate, ar senic, mercury , and chlor ide io n ar e major po llutants w ith higher co ntents, w hile hexav alent chr omium, cy anide, and phenol have low er contents. In addition, the pollutants occur mainly in the depth o f 3 to 6 m, and the contents of po llutants and pollutio n lev el decrease w ith the increasing of depth and distance.