Drought characteristics and disaster management in North Xinjiang based on royal archives in Qing Dynasty
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The r ecent 300 year s are an impor tant period for ag r icultural dev elo pment in Xinjiang. Dro ug ht , one o f the major disas2 ter s affecting ag ricultura l dev elo pment in Nort h Xinjiang , had receiv ed high attentio n from the g ov ernment of t hat time. Ro yal archives of Qing Dynasty pro vide an important data basis fo r the research of the dr ought char acteristics in Xinjiang. In this pa2 per, the roy al archiv es of dr ought recor ds in Qing Dy nasty w ere analyzed. The results showed that the droug ht distributio n char2 acter istics are related to the military po licy of Qing go vernment with hig her r eco rds in the east and lower reco rds in the west. Mor eo ver , shor tage o f irr igat ion water r esulting from the delaying o f r ain in spr ing, lacking of w inter snow melt, or r are summer rain is the main reason to cause the dro ug ht in No rth Xinjiang . In additio n, go ver nment relief in time is also o ne of the social fac2 to rs to aff ect the droug ht disaster co nditions.