Application of 84 method in peak discharge calculation of extra smal l watershed
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The 84 metho d is commo nly used in the ca lculatio n o f peak dischar ge in medium and small w atersheds ( 10~ 300 squar e kilometers) by the water conserv ancy depar tment o f Anhui, but it is seldom used in the extr a small w atershed ( less than 10 squar e kilometer s) . In this paper, the design f loo d of the floo d contr ol channels in Yushan modern ag ricultural demonst ratio n par k o f Ma. anshan in Anhui w as calculat ed using the 84 Method and t wo ot her commo n fo rmulas, including the 1958 hydro log y reasoning fo rmula o f the China Inst itute of Water Resources and Hy dr opow er Research Institut e and t he ex per ience fo rmula of the Scientific Resear ch Institute of H ig hway . The r esults sugg ested that applicatio n o f the 84 method in the calculation of peak discharg e of ex tra small w atersheds is reasonable and feasible.