Innovative design and application of hydrological cableway
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H ydro lo gical cablew ay is the infrastr uctur e of hydrometric facilities. Since June 1954 w hen the first hydrolog ical cable2 w ay o f artificial o per atio n w as built in Zhejiang Prov ince, the flow measurement technolog y with hy dr ometric cablew ay has con2 tinued to prog ress and develo p. With t he development of hydro log ical science and technolo gy and urbanizat ion, the tr adit ional hy dr olog ical cablew ay techno lo gy has their disadvantages. An inno vativ e design of self2w eight hydrolog ical cableway w as con2 ducted in Zhejiang Pro vince, w hich can solve a series of technical and so cial pro blems. The new hydro lo gical cableway has been applied in 41 hy dr olog ical stations of Zhejiang Prov ince. Remar kable economic and social benefits have been achieved, and there2 fo re the new hydro log ical cablew ay has a bro ad pro spect of application.