Correlation between reservoir peak flood and rainfall based on Copula function - A case study in the Xujiaya reservoir of Linyi City
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The co rr elation between the peak flo od and r ainf all and the self2co rr elatio n of peak flood in the Xujiaya r eser voir of Li2 nyi City w ere studied based on the Co pula function. Fiv e pr ecipitatio n stations, including the Xujiaya, Tang lishu, Gaoqiao, Baiy2 an, and Wangjiashao zhuang precipitation stations, wer e selected to analyze the cor relatio n betw een the max imum r ainfall in 24 ho ur s and peak flood and the self2cor relatio n of peak floo d from the first to six orders, and to calculate the co nditional distribu2 tions of peak flood in the wet y ear, no rmal water year , and dr y y ea r. The results show ed that the cor relat ion between the peak floo d and rainfall is the best at the Xujiaya station, followed by the Wangjiashaozhuang, Gaoqiao, Tanglishu, and Baiy an sta2 tions, and the self2cor relation of peak flo od is relatively poo r w hich can be co nfirmed by the conditio nal distributio n chart s.