Hydrodynamic numerical analysis of perforated caisson based on SPH method
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The perfo rated caisso n can effect ively decrease the w ave fo rce and r eflectio n co eff icient , thus it is w idely used in po rt eng ineering. In this paper, the mo dified Smo othed Particle H ydrodynamics ( SPH) alg or ithm w as used to dev elop a tw o2dimen2 sio nal numerical model of wav e and perfor ated caisson. Compared w ith the results determ ined by the ex isting linear regular wav e theo ry , the numer ical r esults o btained from the SPH method w ere prov ed to be co rrect. Meanw hile, the complex characterist ics of int ernal fluid mo tion in and out o f the wav e dissipat ion chamber , and the r elationship betw een the to tal horizo ntal fo rce and its affecting factor s wer e inv estigated. The numer ical results wer e compar ed with the experimental results, w hich indicated that the numerical calculation of the ratio of to tal ho rizontal force is in go od agr eement w ith t he empir ical reg ression equation obtained from t he ex per imental data, and t he to tal hor izontal fo rce of the per forated caisson t ends to decrease when the r elative w idth of wav e dissipatio n chamber is about 0. 11. Fina lly, t he least squar es method w as used to der ive a nonlinear reg ression equation to represent the r elatio nship bet ween the to tal ho rizontal force and its affecting factor s. The r esear ch can pro vide a new reference for t he design and o ptimization of perfo rated caisso n under the simila r w orking co ndit ions.