Development of bulb tubular turbine used in micro2waterhead hydropower generation in Water Plants
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During the w ater supply process, there are some certain conduit s in w hich w ater ar e dr iven by nat ur al w ater head differ ence. With the g radual depletion o f convent ional hy dr opow er resour ces, mo re and mo re attention has been paid to the pre2 v iously neg lected micro2water head hydro pow er g eneratio n. Given t he fact that the wo rking conditio n is r elatively stable and the situat ion of the installatio n sit e is complicat ed, the conventio nal hydraulic turbines may no t be applicable, thus dev elopment of new types o f tur bines that suit the r equir ements of power g ener atio n in water plants is needed. In this paper, a bulb tubular tur2 bine w as develo ped fo r the hydro power g ener ation in a water plant. The conventio nal theor y of turbine design w as used to desig n the new t ur bine. The numerica l simulation and optimizatio n of the bulb tubula r turbine w ere per formed using t he comput at ional fluid dy namics softw ar e, the SIMPLEC a lg orithm, and the Spalart2Allmar as turbulence mo del based o n the Reynolds time2aver2 ag ed N2S equations. A better design of micro2water head hy dr opow er generation in w ater plant s w as pro po sed in or der to achiev e the g oal of energ y conservat ion and emissio n r eduction w ithout posing any t hr eat to the safety and r eliability of previous w ater treatment process.