Effects of jet flow wi th different aspect ratios on the impact pressure in the plunge pool bottom
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The impact pr essure o n the plunge po ol bot tom caused by the flow discharg e o f high dam is a key facto r to lead to the instability of the plung e pool. I n this paper , the eff ects of the submerg ed jet f low shape ( aspect ratio of jet flow leng th and width) o n the impact pressur e distr ibut ion in the plung e po ol bo ttom w ere inv estigated based on the physical model tests. T he results showed that w ith the incr easing of aspect rat io, the shape of jet flow var ies f rom the wide2flat shape w ith hor izontal dif2 fusion to the long2narr ow shape w ith v ertical diffusio n, and t he impact pressure and fluctuating pr essure on the plung e poo l bo t2 tom increase first and then decrease. In additio n, the upstr eam w ater lev el and dow nst ream w ater depth hav e g reat effects on the impact pressure in the plunge po ol bottom, and the fluctuating pressur e increases w ith the increasing of upstream water level but decreases with t he increasing of dow nstr eam w ater depth.