Uultimate tension deformation experiment of rubber aggregates concrete
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Ult imate tension defo rmatio n is an impo rtant parameter to char acterizeatio n o f the cr acking resistance per formance of co ncr ete cr ack. Tensile streng th t ests and mer cur y intr usio n po res(MIP) t ests w ere perfo rmed to MIP hav e been carr ied out to indicateinv estigate the effect s o f rubber ag gr egates co ntent on the ult imate tension defo rmatio n per formance of co ncrete. T hat rubber has influence o n ultimate tensio n defo rmation o f concrete. T he results reveal show ed that w hen the r ubber agg reg ates co ntent is 10, 20, and 30 kg / m3 r espectively, the ultimate t ensio n defo rmation of rubber ag gr egates concrete is aboutas 2. 97 times, 4. 11 times, and 3. 89 times as that o f that of the o rdinary concrete, and t he peak strain of rubber ag gr egates co ncr ete is a2 bout 1. 86, 2. 00, and 2. 68 times of that o f the o rdinary co ncr ete. w hen rubber content is 10 kg / m3 , 20kg / m3 and 30 kg/ m3 ; The rubber has improvement on ultimate tension deformation of concrete improves with the adding o f rubber ag gregates, which also sug gests that the cracking resistance performance of concrete impr oves. How ever, there is a reasonable value for the rubber agg regates content, and the ultimate tension deformation of concrete decreases w hen the rubber aggregates content exceeds the reasonable value. when rub2 ber is reasonable. So rubber can increase ultimate tensio n deformation of concrete to impr ove concrete crack.