Experimental research on impact2echo method in detecting structural defects of concrete
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The impact2echo method w as conducted o n the concrete specimens w ith differ ent inter nal defect s, and the ident ificatio n and determination methods for imper fect ion in co ncr et e specimen w ere obtained. T he test r esults showed that it is difficult to identif y the defects in co ncrete specimen w hen the r at io betw een lat eral dimensions and depth is less than 1B4, the lateral dimen2 sio ns ar e less than 50 mm, and the r atio betw een lateral dimensio ns and dept h is g reater t han 1B1. The sco pe o f defects can be effectively measur ed by o bserv ing the var iatio n o f peak value of frequency; howev er, the determinatio n of defect dept h is r elated to the actual test co ndit ions.