Protective measures for pump2stopping water hammer of water transfer system with long distance and cooperation of multiple pumps
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The wat er hammer theor y and character istic cur ves method combined w ith engineer ing ex ample w ere used to analyze the pump2sto pping w ater hammer of water tr ansfer system with lo ng distance and cooperat ion w ith multiple pumps w hich a2 dopts such pr eventive measures as liquid2o ff butter fly valve, air valve, and one2w ay surg e tank. The w ater hammer head line a2 long the pipeline and curv e fo r t he relative values o f perfo rmance parameters of the pump w ere obtained. The results show ed that the minimum w ater hammer head is lower and var iatio n of per formance parameter s of pump is larg er w itho ut preventiv e measures; t he pro tection w ith the butterf ly valv e can effectively contr ol the var iatio n of per formance parameter s of pump flow rate and speed, but the var iatio n of w ater hammer head shows oscillatio n and the minimum w ater hammer head is low er than that wit ho ut pr ev ent ive measur es ; the pr otectio n w it h air va lve and butterfly v alv e can effect ively incr ease the minimum w ater hammer head, the negative pressur e a ppears but o nly in the local a rea, and the var iatio n of perfo rmance parameters o f pump is lar ger compar ed w ith that of the butter fly v alve protection; and the pro tect ion effect w it h one2way surg e tank and butter fly v alv e is the most sig nificant. In o rder to r educe the number of one2way surg e tanks, combinatio n of the one2way surg e tank, air valve, and butter fly valve w as selected as t he final pr eventive measur e. Compared w ith t he pump w ithout pr eventive measur es, neg ativ e pr essure disappear ed in the who le pipe, altho ug h the w ater head showed oscillation w ith low range. The max imum v ariat ion of flow r ate dr opped by 0. 15, the max imum v ariat ion of rot ational speed dr opped by 0. 7, and the oscillatio n time o f the tor que be2 came sho rter .