Hydraulic design of small mixed2flow reversible pump turbine
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The mix ed2flow Francis pump t ur bine w as designed accor ding t o the dualistic theor y and spir al potential f low , and Pro / ENGINEER so ftwar e was used to build the t hr ee2dimensional g eometric model. Based on the CFD numerical simulations o n the g uide v anes w ith different curv at ur es, the flow pathlines, flow v elocit ies, and pressure distr ibutions under the w ater pump and turbine wo rking conditio ns w ere o btained. The results sug gested that the standar d g uide vanes ar e mo re suitable fo r the Francis pump turbine. T he efficiency calculat ion results show ed that t he turbine unit eff iciency can r each 85% under the turbine wo rking conditio ns and 88% under the w ater pump w o rking conditio ns, which indicated that the desig n met ho d is feasible.