Effects of Zijinguan fracture structure on the leakage of Yanchuan reservoir
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Zijingg uan fr act ur e is a reg ional deep fault lo cated in the w estern mo untain area of Bao ding . It formed a unique geolog2 ical structure after mo re than a per iod of complex geo log ical processes, such as compr essiv e shear , transtensio n, and lift. I t has significant contr olling effects on the sto rag e, mov ement, discharg e of r eg io nal gr oundw ater. Accor ding to the reg ional geolog ical data from g eolog ical survey , drilling, and pr essure wat er test , the t ecto nic character istics, hydraulic conductivities in different ar2 eas and str at a of Zijingg uan deep fracture in the Yanchuan reserv oir w ere analyzed. T he leakage causes and positio ns of Yan2 chuan r eser voir w ere analy zed, w hich can prov ide reference fo r the r eser voir r einforcement.