Extraction of coastline and accuracy detection in muddy coast zone of Jiangsu Province
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The coastline chang e is one of the research bases of co ast al evo lutio n and g lobal climate change. Automatic ex tractio n of different coastline ty pes from the remote sensing images quickly and accur ately is alwa ys difficult, especially for the sho reline of muddy co ast. In t his paper , the o bject2or iented method was adopted to build the rule sets including the spectrum t ransfo rm in2 fo rmation and text ur e feat ur e informat ion, to classify the imag es in hig h definit ion, and then to ex tr act the coastline accurat ely based o n t he T M remot e sensing imag es of muddy coast zone in no rthern Jiangsu in 2006. The r esult s show ed that the method can ex cav ate the image info rmatio n suff icient ly w ith a high deg ree o f automat ion and fast ex tr action, and also test the r esults from t wo index es o f accuracy and stabilit y independently of the r efer ence coastline.