Application of DEM information extraction technology of small watersheds in ecological management -A case study in Huangtuliangzi of Jixian County, Tianjin City
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Thro ug h the interpolation method o f the elevatio n contours in the 1: 10 000 to pog r aphic map to form the DEM, the bo unda ry, slo pe, vegetat ion type, v egetation co verag e, land use, and soil ero sion informatio n of the small water shed in Huangtu2 liangzi o f Jinx ian County lo cat ed in the no rthern mountain area of Tianjin w ere extr acted. Accor ding to the division pr inciple and index for t he three lines o f defense, the spatial analysis and spat ial o verlay methods in GIS and field investig atio n w ere used to determ ine the scope of ecolog ical manag ement in the small w atershed and t he reasonable allo cation o f manag ement measures. The research applies DEM information ex tr act ion to the eco lo gical management o f small water sheds, w hich can pr ov ide a matur e technical sy st em fo r the management and research of so il and water conserv ation, effect analy sis, and hydro log ic char acter istics.