Estimation of summer precipitation in Northwestern Regions based on MERRA data
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In this paper , a monthly multiple reg ressio n alg o rithm for the certain r eg io n w as used to establish a comput at ional model for the precipitat ion est imatio n based on the summer precipit ation observat ion data, MERRA (M odem2Er a Retro spectiv e Analysis fo r Research and Applicat ions) reanaly sis, and the DEM ( Dig ital Elevatio n Mo del) data fr om 198122010 in the No rth2 w estern Regions. The results show ed that the av erage absolute err or s o f estimat ed precipitation ar e 8. 0 mm, 8. 0 mm, 7. 9 mm, and 20. 8 mm in June, July, Aug ust, and the w hole summer , respectively, and the aver age relative err or s ar e 19. 0%, 14. 4%, 221 2% and 15. 0%, r espectively. The estimated precipitat ion has few er err or s compared w ith t hat from M ERRA analy sis. Mo re2 o ver, the mo del estimates o f pr ecipitation have the same dist ribution cha racterist ics as those o f the o rig inal MERRA precipitat i2 o n pro duct, and can also reflect the local distr ibution.