Industrial water use efficiency and water saving potential in Henan Province
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Impro ving indust rial water use eff iciency is an impor tant measure to promote the co nstr uctio n o f so ciety of w ater con2 serv atio n and po llution pr evention. Accor ding t o the w at er co nser vancy surv ey results in 2011, t he industr ial wat er use str uctur e and dist ribution in H enan Prov ince w ere ana lyzed. The industrial wat er use efficiencies o f 18 cit ies in H enan Pr ov ince wer e cal2 culated based on the index of water use per ten tho usand y uan of added industr ial v alue, w hich can ex plain the difference o f w a2 ter user efficiency among differ ent cities and its causes. Finally, four scenar ios of industrial wat er sav ing tar gets wer e pro po sed, and the water sav ing potential of each city w as calculated. The results show ed that indust rial w ater use efficiency depends pr i2 mar ily o n the g ener al industrial water use efficiency, follow ed by the hig h2w ater industr ial water use efficiency, and water use ef2 ficiency of thermal and nuclear power industr y has insignificant effect s o n the mean industr ial water use efficiency. I n addition, ther e is a lar ge industr ial water sav ing pot ential in H enan Pr ov ince, which reaches 7. 43@ 108 ~ 13. 27@ 108 m3