Method to determine water price at the entrance based on net present value - A case study in Gaochang of Baoding
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The city of Bao ding is in the nor th o f Beijing, and it is one of cities receiv ing w ater from t he middle ro ute of South2to2 No rth Water Div ersio n Pro ject. The o riginal w ater supply pipeline, Xiday ang w ater supply pipeline, w as inco rpor ated into the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Assistant Pr oject, and connected with the pipeline o f the upstream assistant pro ject at the en2 tr ance o f Gaochang . Based o n the investig atio n of w ater supply situation in Bao ding , t he metho d of eng ineer ing eco nomics w as used to ca lculate the cr itical w ater price at the entr ance of the Gaochang, which can solve the pro blem betw een the maximum e2 conom ic benefit and max imum social benefit.