Study on investment and cost allocation of water transfer projects and two2part water price calculation
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Investment and co st allocation play s a crucial ro le in disting uishing the eco nomic r espo nsibilities of a w ater tr ansfer pr oject amo ng different reg ions and depart ments, and water pr ice calculatio n and determination. In this paper, a new investment and cost allocatio n and two2par t w ater price method was presented to reflect the var iatio n pr ocess of w ater price elements and generatio n mechanism of supply ing cost. The principles, methods, and implement steps of investment allocatio n and co st alloca2 tion w ere presented. T he relatio nship betw een the tw o2part w at er pr ice and unitary w ater price, and the effect s of w ater pr ice el2 ements, such as wat er supply and repaying for loan, o n w ater pr ice wer e inv estigated. Finally, a case study in r egar d to the com2 plex pro cesses and generation mechanism of supply ing co st o f Chanzhi water transfer pro ject was presented.