Effect evaluation of the construction of water2saving society in Shanghai
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The effect evaluation of the constr uctio n of water2saving society has gr eat significance for the experience summary of the eval2 uation region, and also provides references for the w hole society to promote water2saving co nstruction. Based on the statistical data of the construction of water2saving society in Shanghai, the matter element analysis method was used to develop an evaluation index system and the weight of each index w as calculated using the facto r contribution rates. Year 2002 was considered as the base year, and the evaluation index system was used to evaluate the effects of the construction of water2 saving so ciety in Shang hai from 2008 to 2012. T he results showed that the effects of the construction o f water2saving society in Shanghai are about averag e from 2008 to 2009, but above average fr om 2010 to 2012 and impr ove every year. Compared with year 2002, the level of water2saving construction develops rapidly, even thoug h there is lack of industrial water2saving. The evaluation results are consistent w ith the actual situatio ns of water2 saving construc2 tion in Shang hai, which indicates that the matter element analysis model is adaptable to the evaluation of regional water2saving construc2 tion and therefore it has go od application value and promotion prospect.