Research review of emergency evacuation caused by dam2break
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Emerg ency ev acuation caused by dam2break is not only an im po rtant co ntent of emerg ency preparation plan of dam safety manag ement, but also an effective measure to avo id o r reduce t he lo ss of life. The research pr og ress of emerg ency evacua2 tion caused by dam2break w as summarized from four perspect ives in this paper , including t he numerical simulatio n o f dam2 br eak, dist ributio n of population at risk, planning of emer gency evacuation shelter s, and estimat ion of emer gency ev acuatio n time. Dam2br eak numer ical simulation is the fundamental w or k, including t he burst simulatio n and dam2br eak floo d evolution. The distr ibut ion of population at risk needs to co nsider the dynamic distributio ns dur ing different t ime per iods. The research o n the planning of emer gency ev acuation shelter s due to dam2break is ra re, and the r esear ch results on the planning of emerg ency e2 v acuatio n shelt ers due to floo d can be used as a reference. Emerg ency evacuation time refers to the time estimation o f ev acuatio n act ivit ies, w hich can be calculat ed based on different evacuat ion schemes.