Chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal operation of hydropower station
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The pa rticle sw arm o pt imizatio n( PSO) alg or ithm can easily fall into the local o ptimizat ion. I n this paper , the theo retic reasons of local o pt imization wer e analy zed f rom the mathematical perspect ive, and a new self2ada ptive chaotic mutatio n PSO al2 g or ithm w as pro posed and applied to a hy dr opow er statio n. The results showed t hat the new alg or ithm can mut ate the particles which fall int o the local o ptimization, incr ease the alg or ithm erg odicity and sw arm diver sity, and find the global o ptimizat ion so2 lut ion, w hich is useful fo r the o pt imal operat ion o f reservo ir . Compa red w ith the current alg or ithms, the self2adaptiv e chaotic mutation PSO alg or ithm has fast computation and str ong stability , avo ids the local o pt imization, and ensures the co nv erg ence.