Operation risk assessment of supporting engineering in the South2to2North Water Diversion Project of Qingyuan County
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The operation risk analy sis and assessment o f the suppo rting eng ineer ing in the South2to2Nor th Water Diver sion Pro2 ject is a complex sy stem pr oblem, and its fuzzy character istics need to be co nsider ed in t he evaluation. Based on the fuzzy recog2 nition theo ry , this paper used the no nlinear model t o evaluate the operatio n risk o f the suppor ting eng ineering in the South2to2 No rth Water Div ersion Pr oject o f Qing yuan County. The r esults show ed that operation risk lev el of the suppo rting eng ineer ing is betw een level 2 and level 3 and tends to level 2 slightly, w hich indicated that the risk is low. The evaluat ion pro cess and re2 sults can no t only pro vide reference v alue fo r the safety manag ement of the suppo rting eng ineer ing in the South2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject o f Qingy uan County , but also demonstr ate that the nonlinear mo del is a pplicable to per form the r isk assess2 ment of the suppor ting eng ineer ing in the South2to2Nor th Water Diver sion Pr oject.