Dam2break flood calculation and risk assessment of Youluokou Reservoir
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The once2in250002y ears check flo od in the aux iliar y dam can cause piping effect and dam2br eak. In this paper, Breach mathematica l model and t wo2dimensional flo od routing so ftw are Riv er2D wer e used t o calculate the hydro gr aph o f flow rate at the breach w ith time dur ing the init ial seven hours and to develop a finite element numer ical mo del from the dam to the down2 str eam of Ganzho u cobalt refiner y plant. T he mo del can simulat e the flo od ro ut ing pro cess in the st udy area after the break of aux iliar y dam, estimate the loss value of life, and analy ze the so cial r isk o f life. The results show ed that after the break of aux il2 iary dam, floo d can affect two administr ative v illages( tow ns) , 15 villag es( distr icts) , and 70 462 people. When the dam failure a2 larm time w as less than o r equal to 5 ho ur s, the lo ss v alue of life can reach more t han a hundred and the risk w as unbea rable. The research results can pro vide an important basis for the development o f dam safety manag ement conting ency plans.