Problems and application prospect of ASR technology in the underground reservoir construction of China
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Compared to the sur face reser voir eng ineer ing, under gr ound r eservo ir eng ineering r egulates the reserv oir capacity throug h ar tificial inter vention into g ro undwater recharg e or discharg e, and it has cer tain adv ant ages in the strat eg ic r eser ves of water resources and g roundw ater r eso urces pr otectio n. Many underg ro und reservo ir s hav e been constructed in China and other co untr ies, and ASR( Aquifer Sto rag e & Recover y) technolog y is widely used in t he under gr ound r eser vo ir co nstr uction of some foreign co untr ies; how ever , it is no t used in China, w hich is due to that the cost2effect iveness is not clear , r echar ge plug t echnolo2 g y still has limitat ions, environmental impact is uncert ain, recha rge w ater is lacking , and domest ic policies and r egulations ar e absent. H ow ever, ASR technolog y has gr eat significance and pro spects in the under gr ound reserv oir construction fr om the per2 spect ives of urban water supply, w ater r eso ur ces sto rage, water conser vation, and str ategic r eser ves.