Finite element structural calculation of underground continuous wall in excavation of pump station foundation pit
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The super2long span under gr ound co nt inuo us wall was applied in the ex cav ation of foundatio n pit of a pump statio n. In this paper, the finite element softw ar e ABAQUS w as used to determine the seepag e of the pump stat ion in four ex cavatio n steps. T he distr ibution law of g roundw ater levels at bo th sides of underg ro und co nt inuo us w all was obtained, and the deforma2 tion of the pit w as estimated. The results showed t hat the transver se displacement at the t op o f under gr ound w all in D4 sectio n of different depths is the larg est, w hich is about 35 mm. Subsequently , the thickness of the under gr ound continuous w all on the so uth bank in B42F4 section is sugg ested to incr ease to 100 cm in or der to r educe t he tr ansv erse displacement.