Performance of exhaust valve in long2distance water transfer project
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The ex haust v alv e is an impor tant pro tect ive equipment for the safety of lo ng2distance water tr ansfer pipeline. Throug h the com par ison and analy sis o f the st ructur es and mat hematical models of t raditio nal flo at2type exhaust v alv e and cylinder2t ype ex haust va lve w ith constant speed buffer, the tr aditional float2ty pe ex haust v alv e has technical defects and the st ructur e of cylin2 der2ty pe ex haust v alve w ith constant speed buffer is mo re r easonable. Based on the eng ineer ing practice, the cylinder2type ex2 haust valv e with co nstant speed buffer is important fo r the protection of pipeline w at er hammer.