Water-carbon coupling model based on nonlinear system approach
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The curr ent w ater2carbo n coupling models hav e sev eral issues such as complex mechanisms, unbalanced structure, lar ge uncer tainty, and difficulty to meet the information needs. Acco rding to the concept of / fr om t he complex phenomena, find a simple rule0 from t he no nlinear hydro log ical cycle simulation theo ry , a no nlinear water2carbon co upling model was dev eloped based on the no nlinear system theor y o f the hydrolog ical cy cle and Jar vis stomata l conductance metho d. The experimental data at the Duke station o f Amer ican2Flux and in the Cho ng ling ex perimental w atershed of the upst ream o f Baiy ang dian w ere used to verify the model accur acy at the po int and wat ershed scales. The r esult s indicat ed that the nonlinear w ater2car bo n coupling mod2 el can simulate the va riations of evapotr anspir ation and so il mo isture reasonably and accur ately . The model w as applied to est i2 mate the effects o f gr eenhouse gas dischar ge level o n the hydro log ical cy cle elements. When the concentr ation of carbon diox ide incr eases, the incr ease o f runoff is 0. 5%, incr ease of averag e so il mo istur e is 1. 2%, w hile decrease o f eva po ratio n is 4. 9%. Over all, the w ater2carbon coupling model achieves a simple solution to solve the complex pr oblems.