Variation rule of precipitation in Jiamusi City in recent 60 years
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Based on the annual precipitation data o f Jiamusi City, a ty pica l city in the Sanjiang Plain, from 1953 to 2013, the meth2 o ds of w avelet change theo ry and Mann2Kendall trend test w ere used to analyze the var iatio n rule o f precipitat ion in recent 60 years. The results showed that the pr ecipitation o f Jiamusi Cit y in recent 60 years has tw o oscillation cycles of 25 year s and 13 years, and the w et and dry va riations of futur e annual precipitat ion in different t ime scales show differ ent char acteristics; pr ecipi2 tat ion has uneven distr ibut ion in tempo ral scale with the least pr ecipitatio n in 1970. s w hile the mo st in 1950. s, and the annual pr ecipitatio n in r ecent 60 year s has show n a slightly decline tr end but is insig nificant at the 0. 025 level of sig nificance. The re2 search has cer tain significance for guiding the r ational and scientific use of pr ecipitation r eso ur ces in Jiamusi City .