Water resources supply and demand allocation in the Qaidam Basin
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Qaidam Basin has dr y climate and scarce w at er resources, and how to allo cate w ater r eso ur ces reasonably is t he key to so lv e t he conflict betw een w ater resources supply and demand in the basin. In this paper , based on the analysis o f the curr ent water resources utilizat ion in the Qaidam Basin, a water r eso ur ces netw or k model w as established using the r elationship betw een the sub2reg ion units. The long series met ho d was ado pt ed to simulate the wat er resources supply and demand balance dur ing the planning years. The balance between water supply and demand under differ ent guarantee r ates required by differ ent industr ies was achieved using the secondar y balance met ho d, and t he allocation scheme of w ater resour ces w as prov ided during the plan2 ning years.