Inflow runoff in the Danjiangkou Reservoir and its evolution
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In or der t o bet ter predict the lo ng2term runo ff, t he av erag e monthly inflow runoff in the Danjiangko u Reser vo ir from 1965 t o 2013 wer e analyzed. The trend analysis was perfo rmed using the linear r egr essio n and Mann2 Kendall test met ho ds, the mutation ana lysis w as per formed using the Pettitt mutatio n test method, and the cycle analy sis w as perfo rmed using the Mo rlet wav elet met ho d. The r esults show ed that the inflow r unof f in the Danjiangkou Reser vo ir has a decline t rend from 1965 to 2013, and signif icant periodicity of 3~ 5, 7~ 9, and 18~ 20 year s ex ists. T he mutatio n po int o f annual r unoff and max imum peak flow occur red in 1986; therefor e, the data of 1986 are bett er av oided in order to ensure the prediction accuracy in the lo ng2term annual runo ff predict ion. M oreo ver, the modeling data series o f 7 y ea rs or its multiple a re sug gested to be applied in the lo ng2term an2 nual r unoff predictio n.