Variation trend analysis of annual precipi tation and surface water resources in the Yi2Shu2Si Basin
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Based on the hy dr olog ical data in the Yi2Shu2Si Basin fr om 1956 t o 2010, the linear r egr essio n, Mann2Kendall test, cu2 mulat ive depar ture method, and w avelet analy sis w ere applied to ana lyze t he var iatio n tr end and periodicity of annual precipitat i2 o n and surface w ater r eso ur ces. The r esults showed that the annual pr ecipitatio n and surface w ater resources have the similar variatio n tr end w ith an ov erall insignificant decr easing t rend, and decr ease co nt inuo usly in the future; the annual precipitatio n and sur face w ater r eso urces have ex per ienced fo ur per io ds with w et and dr y ones in tur n, and the decreasing tendency of annual surf ace w ater r eso urces is higher than that of annual pr ecipitatio n; and annual precipit at ion has main cycles o f 4 year s, 8 y ears, 15 years, and 27 year s, and annua l surface water r eso ur ces have main cycles of 4 years, 14 year s, and 27 y ears. T he trend analy sis show ed that annual precipitation and sur face w ater resources co nt inue to decrease in the nex t decade in t he Yi2Shu2Si Basin.