Analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics of water resources ecological footprint in Guangxi
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The wat er resour ces ecolog ical fo otprint mo del was used to calculate and analyze the wat er r eso ur ces eco lo gical foo t2 pr int , w ater r eso ur ces ecolog ical carr ying capacity , and w ater reso ur ces ecolo g ical profit and lo ss per capit a in 14 cities of Guan2 g x i Pr ov ince fr om 2008 to 2012. The results showed that ( 1) the averag e w ater r eso ur ces eco log ical foo tpr int in Guang xi do es no t var y sig nificant ly and is abo ut 1. 06 hm2 per capita. The water resources eco lo gical foo tpr ints of different year s ar e in a de2 scending o rder o f 2010= 2011> 2012> 2008> 2009. However , the w ater r eso ur ces ecolog ical car ry ing capacity per capita var ies gr eat ly and it is less than the water r eso ur ces eco log ical foo tpr int per capita; and ( 2) ex cept for Liuzhou and Fangwugang , all the cities hav e water resources eco lo gical lo ss w ith an aver age lo ss value o f 0. 56 hm2 per capita. In o rder to so lve the water re2 sour ces ecolog ical loss problem, indust rial st ruct ur e should be adjusted, and water resources manag ement measur es, such as d three red linesd, should be implemented. T hr ough these approaches, w ater resources carr ying capacity is im pr oved and water re2 sour ces ecolog ical loss is decreased to achieve the pur po se o f water resources sustainable utilization.