Application research of rainfal l2runoff simulation for ungauged region in the Mishui Basin
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The precision of the application of r egio na l flow dur atio n curv e to simulate the flow hy dr og raph in t he ungaug ed re2 g io ns is usually influenced by the leng th of r unoff data in the gaug ed r eg io ns, the r egr ession factor s, and the segment leng th of calculated flow dur ation curve. In this paper , based on the co ntinuo us runoff data in the middle cycle, the f low dur ation quantile reg ression method w as used to deriv e the f low dur ation curv es in the ung auged reg ions. The parameters o f hydro lo gical model wer e calibrated, and the r ainf all2runo ff simulatio n fo r the ung auged reg ions in the M ishui Basin w as per formed. The simulatio n results showed that the compr ehensive consideration of the multiple r egr ession factor s can impr ove t he pr ecision of f low dur a2 tion cur ve; the flow durat ion curv e segment can be used to calibr ate the model par amet ers, and the calibr ation accuracy is in2 cr eased w ith the segment ex tensio n; and among the t hr ee segments with hig h, middle, and low w ater o f the flow dur ation cur ve, the calibratio n accuracy using t he middle w ater segment is relativ ely hig her than that using the hig h w ater or low w ater seg2 ment, so the middle w ater segment in the flow duratio n curv e is bett er retained dur ing the calibr ation pro cess.