Assessment of groundwater environment carrying capacity in Zhungeer County of Inner Mongolia
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Gr oundw ater envir onment car ry ing capacity is an im po rtant component o f the r esea rch in wat er envir onment ca rr ying capacity , and it can be used to characterize the harmonio us deg ree between the economic development and r egio na l w ater env i2 r onment. In o rder to ev aluate the gr oundw ater environment ca rr ying capacity in Zhung eer Count y, we have adopted a w ell2 know n met ho d of analy tic hierar chy pr ocess ( AH P) to build up the index sy stem, which consist s o f the natur al indexes and so2 cial index es. The index es include the t opog raphic slo pe, aquifer thickness o f g ro undw ater, g ro undwater lev el, nature o f unsatu2 r ated zone, hydr aulic conductiv ity, po pulation densit y, the per ca pit a GDP, cr ops sow n area, water consumptio n per 10000 yuan GDP, and per capita g roundw ater ex plo itatio n. AH P matrix met ho d was used to determ ine the w eight for each index . The re2 sults show ed that the numer ical gr oundw ater environmental car ry ing capacity in Zhung eer County is between 01 308 3 and 01 731 1 w ith an av erag e v alue of 01 521 5, w hich belong s to t he moderately w eak degr ee. The ev aluatio n r esults w ere consistent wit h the hydro geo log ical co ndit ions and socio2econom ic development in the study ar ea, w hich sugg ested that the study can pro2 v ide a t heo retical basis for t he g roundw ater r eso ur ces management and gr oundw at er env ir onment prot ection decisio ns in the fu2 tur e o f the industria lizatio n pro cess in Zhung eer County.