210 Pb dating of outlet sediments in Mengtong watershed of Yunnan
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In or der t o study the r elationship between the sedimentation rat e and pr ecipitation, the specific act ivity of 210 Pb o f the floo dplain sediments in the o ut let of Mengto ng water shed was measured by the gamma spectr ometr y. The ag e o f sediment s w as calculated using the CRS( Constant Rate of 210 Pb Supply) model, and the sediment ation rate w as analyzed since t he 1950s. Tw o special sediment po ints w ith high 210 Pb activity w ere dated at 2002 and 1980, respect ively, and t hey had str ong r elatio nship with the precipit ation from 1970 to 1980 and in 2002. Sedimentat ion r ate incr eased g reatly from the 1950s determined by the CRS model, w hich may be caused by the intense human activit ies( cutt ing tr ees and unreasonable land use) in the w atershed.