Preliminary discussion on debris flow classification based on geomorphological characteristics
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Scient ific classificat ion is o ne of the impor tant r esear ch contents on debr is f low and also cr ucial fo r the scientific under2 standing of debris flow phenomeno n. Geomo rpholog ical lo cation or water shed mo rpholog y is one o f the im po rtant bases t o clas2 sify debr is flow . Accor ding t o the analysis of debr is flow classificatio n based on the g eomo rpho lo gical char acter istics and water2 shed mo rpholo gy , the differences in the identificatio n of debris flow using differ ent classificat ion schemes wer e discussed, inclu2 ding the qualitative identificatio n metho d of slope2type debris flow , and evaluatio n index es and formatio n mechanism o f slope2 type and gully2type debr is flow s. In this paper , based on the slope g eomor pho log y and gully ero sion pro cess, debris flow was fur2 ther classified int o three ty pes scientifically and pr act ically, including the slope2type debris flow, g ro ov e2t ype debr is flow, and gully2t ype debris flow .