Leakage path tracing of No. 4 dam section in Mengli ash yard of Shaoguan power plant
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Leakag e path o f No. 4 dam sect ion in Meng li ash y ard of Shao guan pow er plant was investig ated using the tracing met ho d o f temper atur e and electr ical conductiv ity . T hr ough the v er ificat ion of temper atur e, elect rical conductiv ity, g ro undw ater level, and g ro undwater flow v elocity in sever al observat ion bo reholes, the r esults sugg ested that the r echar ge path ex tends from ZK4 borehole to ZK8 bo rehole in the upstr eam flow field and fo rms t he arc supply leakag e point, and precipitation infiltr ates vert ically into the dam, flows upw ard along the co ntacting zone betw een the init ial dam and fir st sub2dam, and fo rms the leakag e po int at the elevation of 71. 00 m.