Estimation of anisotropic aquifer parameters based on chaos particle swarm algorithm
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Using the particle swarm alg or ithm can increase the converg ence speed and pr ecision of t he a lg orithm compared with the optimizatio n search of chaos sequence. T he chao s particle sw arm alg or ithm was used to analy ze the pumping t est dat a and to estimate the anisot ropic aquifer par ameters, w hich can resolve the optimizatio n pr oblems of anisotr opy function. Compared with other algo rit hms, the chaos particle swam alg or ithm has hig h calculation precisio n, fit well w ith the measured r esults, and has high o ptimizat ion rate. This metho d pro ves to be simple, efficient, and accurat e to estimate anisotr opic aquifer parameter s and to develop a cor respo nding pr ediction and evaluation model.